Friday, December 12, 2008


I enjoyed a great day with our top leaders in Korea on Thursday. We spent time reviewing what it will take for them to rise to even higher levels of success in 2009. We all agreed that 2008 was a great year--in fact it was the best year ever for Korea--but 2009 should be better. One of the resources we studied in our discussion was the principles taught in Jim Collins' book "Good to Great". If you haven't read this book lately I suggest you take time over the holidays to do it. I think it may help you with your 2009 goal planning and setting.

We also enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. As we talked that evening one comment kept coming up: trust. Several of the leaders told me that they beleived their business had grown so well in 2008 because of the increase in trust they had in the company. I was reminded of the new book I had just read called "The Speed of Trust" written by Stephen R. Covey. In this book the author reminds the reader of how slow and hard business transactions can be when there is no trust. He also teaches that with trust everything speeds up. Building trust takes time to do but once you have it everything good starts moving very fast. This may be another book to read over the holidays.

All the best,


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