Saturday, December 13, 2008


We just finished a couple of high powered days in Japan. Every two months we hold a recruiting contest and the top five recruiters for each two month contest are invited to a special Saturday experience. We call it "Secret Saturday" because the winners don't find out where they are going or what they are doing until it happens. Last contest the winners went treasure hunting and were taught how to make pottery from professionals. This time the winners were given a special private dinner at Tokyo Disney World and then got to attend the Cirque Du Soleil. That show is amazing!

Tonight we just finished our Christmas dinner and party with the top 400 leaders. These leaders gathered to Tokyo from all over Japan. We had a great time reviewing the past year and making our commitments for 2009. It was obvious to me that these leaders feel like 2009 is the year for Japan to really breakout. In fact one leader said: "2007 was Thailand's year, 2008 was Europe's year but 2009 is going to Japan's year. Just listening to these dynamic leaders made me feel pretty confident that 2009 will be a great year in Unicity Japan.

The really important question is "What kind of year will 2009 be for you?

All the best,

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