Thursday, January 31, 2008

4th Week Results

I just took my fourth week measurements. Good news! I have burned more fat and lost another 1.5 inches. So in four weeks I have lost a total of 7 inches. This is getting real exciting!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Burning Fat

Yesterday was my 3rd week anniversary of turning my body into a fat-burning-machine. The results are pretty good.

Neck + Chest + Waist = 5.5 cumulative inches lost!

I'm also down 10 lbs, but weight loss isn't what I'm looking for - it's all about fat loss!

Did you know that 1 lb of fat is 9 times bigger than 1 lb of muscle - wow!

What does this mean? A person doing things right could be burning fat but not losing much weight, especially if they start exercising. Make no mistake, it is the excess fat that will kill you. Where the fat is located on your body is also critically important. If the fat is around the central part of your body it is very dangerous.

The good news - when you turn your body into a fat-burning-machine, it burns that fat for fuel and you feel great!

More to come...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Real Science, Real Results

Hello everyone!

As many of you know we are a company focused on getting positive results. Many of our competitors are very good marketers. I have heard some of their key people say “We can sell anything!” At Unicity we choose to be different. We don’t boast about being able to sell anything. In fact we ONLY want to sell proven products that produce measurable and positive results. In fact our product philosophy can be summed up in four words: Real Science, Real Results.

I just received the following email from one of our great leaders—Philip Song. He just returned from a long trip to support his teams in Asia and wrote the following:

"It's amazing how much Bios Life® we are selling in addition to the other great products we have, all over the 23 countries that we are now open in. In addition to Bios Life, there are several other great products that are high in demand simply because of their efficacy and scientific research and R& D. The fact that we're in the Prestigious PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference) is also a big and impressive backing. Every company out there claims that their products are the best. However, when it comes to me and my loved ones, I just ask three simple Questions that will filter out the real genuine quality (Unicity International products) from the rest:

Question #1: Do your products have actual / reputable and CREDIBLE Scientific proof/documents and studies behind them? WE DO! (If it's just an informal study by a couple/few medical people, this is NOT enough!)

Question #2: Do your products have real, CREDIBLE CLINICAL STUDIES? If so, WHERE were they done? and WHO did it? It costs a LOT of money to conduct credible clinical studies. We have over a dozen credible clinical studies including ones from the #1 heart hospital center in North America - The prestigious Cleveland Clinic, Stanford, Univ. of Utah, Univ. of Nevada, Univ. of Washington, and many others. Our products = absolute quality.

Question #3: ARE YOUR PRODUCTS IN THE PDR (the prestigious Physician's Desk Reference)? WE ARE! It costs a lot of money to be in the PDR and absolute full disclosure is a must. We have been listed in the PDR for the last several years."

Philip, like the rest of us, is excited and comforted by the fact that Unicity is a science-driven company and not a marketing-driven company. Real science produces real results and that is probably why we have so many REAL doctors as Franchise Owners.

We have a reason to be passionate—we can change the world one friend at a time.

All the best,


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Word of Mouth - It Really Works

We had a high powered professional come in to see us today. We didn’t go out looking for him but I guess the buzz about Unicity is getting louder. This person came from the East Coast, left with product he had purchased, and he left me with the impression he was coming on board with very serious intentions.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bad News = Motivation - It's working!

It has been 9 days since I got those bad results from my annual physical. I started my own plan using Unicity International’s products and already my waist measurement is down 1.5 inches and my weight is down 8 pounds. More importantly, I feel great!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Results Are In!

Some of the numbers I got from this year’s exam were good but there were a couple that I didn’t like at all. In fact... I was so shocked by the results I got totally motivated to make some changes!

I will let you know my action plan the next time I write.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Annual Physical Time

It's that time again...annual physical. Every year for the last six or seven I have been going to a fitness institute for an all day physical exam. Today I went in for this year’s check up. It is very expensive (around $3000.00) but well worth it. These doctors are the top of their fields and have all of the state of the art equipment. This year they added a new piece of equipment that analyzes your whole insides from skeletal structure to bone density to fat levels and it even shows you where the fat actually is in your body. I should have the results soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope each of you enjoyed a restful and renewing break this past holiday season. I enjoyed being with my family and doing some skiing. The pictures you see here are taken while I was skiing in some glades at a resort near our office in Orem. In fact you can see Orem in the distance from the top of the mountain.

I love the mountains. Maybe it is because there are so many great parallels between building a business and climbing a mountain. Every time I am up in the mountains I remember these parallels and even think of others, and that motivates me even more. As we begin a new year I would like to share some of these parallels with you over the next few weeks in my blog.

First of all, in order to build a successful business or to scale a difficult mountain peak you need to have a clearly defined goal and be committed to it. Just wandering around a mountain will not get you to the top, in fact most people who wander actually end up going downhill. In order to get to the top your objective needs to be clear and straightforward. Mountain climbers have clearly defined goals—they have a burning desire to reach the top of the mountain. People who desire to build a successful business need the same clearly focused goal behavior. You must establish where you want to go and when you want to be there. Wishy-washy people simply don’t accomplish great things and they never reach their potential and that is very sad.

Hopefully you have already made your goals for 2008. If not please do yourself a big favor and do it NOW! You will accomplish so much more by taking the time to set your sights on the summit you want to achieve. Unicity International is going to have a great year in 2008. Make sure you are a part of it!

All the best,