Monday, March 29, 2010

Bios Life Slim--let's tell the world!

Today I received an email from one of our franchise owners in the USA.  It caused me to reflect again upon the urgency we all ought to feel about sharing Bios Life Slim with our family and friends.  With permission I am posting that email here for you to read.  Hopefully it will inspire you to educate and motivate your loved ones to make this amazing product a part of their daily health regimen.

Hi Stewart,

I have been wanting to let you know the story about my parents and their experience with Slim and finally feel ready to share.

When I returned from Salt Lake City last year, I was excited to try the Slim and get my parents on it. My dad (Mel) had been in very poor health (cancer survivor, hip replacement, open heart surgeries, and at the time was recently diagnosed with diabetes), so I was really anxious to see what it could do for him.

Because they are retired and on a fixed income, I was giving my parents two boxes of Slim a month to use. Mel had to take a shot of insulin daily and sometimes at night because he was prone to cheating with his diet. After just a little over one week, his sugar levels were fantastic (even after pasta). He did not have to take a shot of insulin from April to August while he was using the Slim, he felt great and was very active.

My mom lost over 30 pounds during this time and she was very skeptical of the product from the onset. She is a huge believer that this product is what has helped curb her cravings and allowed her to manage her weight. 

Because my mom was using the product three times a day, Mel started cutting back because he did not want to ask me for a third box each month. I went to visit them the last weekend of August, they were getting ready to leave for a vacation. Mel seemed to be in pain and I asked him what was going on. He told me that he had stopped taking the Slim two weeks prior and he could really tell. He told me that he had to take insulin shots for the first time since April because his sugar was out of whack. I was upset with him and told him that I would rather spend a little extra money each month and have him feeling good and he agreed to start taking it again as soon as they returned from vacation.

A few days into their vacation, my mother called and Mel's organs had started to shut down, he was rushed to the Emergency Room in Memphis. He was put on life support and never regained consciousness again. One by one his systems failed and he passed away on September 11th.

Now, I am not sending this to be all depressing but because I am convinced (and my mom is convinced) that the Slim gave him a better quality of life and when he stopped taking it - his pancreas was the first system to fail which affected all the other systems. I am not a doctor obviously but it's just too coincidental to ignore.

To end on a positive note, my mom has continued to use Slim and is now down 48 pounds. She said she'd like to lose another 10 or so but I think she looks fantastic. I wish she had done the Sim challenge to begin with.

Thanks for a wonderful product and opportunity to share it with my loved ones.


ps. LOVE love LOVE the Energy drink. It not only gives me energy but makes me feel more alert mentally with zero jitters.

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