Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Numbers

I was reminded today that I had never given my 12th week numbers from my Bios Life Slim exercise. These last few weeks are some of the busiest and most exciting of my life and with the tour we are on in Europe right now it is only getting more so. But belatedly here are my 12th week stats:

NECK SIZE--down 1.5 inches
UPPER CHEST/BACK--down 6 inches
WAIST--down 4 inches

So my total for the 12 weeks in the three measurements is 11.5 inches. I still want two more off the waist but everything else is about where I want it to be. I am confident I will get that last bit off the waist in the next few weeks. However, it justifiably goes slower as you get closer to your best size. Overall I am very pleased and especially because I didn't feel at all deprived through the whole 12 weeks--in fact I wasn't deprived as anyone will agree who spent any time with me and therefore this is a way of life and not some crash program that can only last a month or two. This product is going to make a lot of people very happy and healthy.

All the best,

PS--I will write more on the European Tour in the next day or so. We have been in Zurich, Switzerland, Munich, Germany and last night in Vienna Austria. Today is Frankfurt. Every event has been an incredible success.

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